anti ectoparasite and endoparasite

Cow, swine, sheep, dog, cat:
• To treat worm infestation
• To treat disease caused by external parasites (i.e., mite, louse, fleas and other insects)
Inject subcutaneously (under the skin)
• Cow:
1 ml per 50 kg of body weight per day
• Swine:
1 ml per 33 kg of body weight per day
• Sheep:
0.5 ml per 25 kg of body weight per day
• Dog, Cat:
0.02 ml per kg of body weight per day
• Do not administer to Collie breed dog
• Stop giving Wormectin Injection 28 days before livestock is slaughtered for human consumption
• Store in a tightly closed container, in a dry and cool place, protected from direct sunlight
Box : 12 bottles @ 2 ml
12 bottles @ 5 ml
12 bottles @ 20 ml
For veterinary use only
Under licensed veterinarian prescription
Indonesia : KEMENTAN RI No. D 1203938 PKC.1
Vietnam : MDI-35
Apakah bisa membeli produk ini disini?
Selamat siang, untuk pembelian produk silakan kunjungi Poultry Shop terdekat. Untuk informasi Poultry Shop di dekat lokasi Anda, silakan hubungi Customer Service kami di no HP: 0813-2185-7405. Terima kasih.
What is Wormectin Injection about?
Selamat siang, silakan hubungi tim konsultasi teknis kami di alamat email Terima kasih.
Apakah aman untuk kelinci hamil?
Selamat siang, silakan hubungi tim konsultasi teknis kami di alamat email Terima kasih.