As a company engaged in animal health, Medion also contributes to providing education to farmers both at home and abroad. This has been realized in a poultry disease education seminar in Cambodia on August 15-18, 2023. The activity took place in 4 provinces, namely Kampong Cham, Takéo, Kampot, and Kampong Speu with a total of 260 participants.


drh. Yonathan Dimascahyo Budianto DVM, MSc, MM. as Technical Education & Consultant of Medion was the speaker in the seminar that thoroughly reviewed various diseases in poultry, from prevention to treatment. Some of the diseases explained included AI (Avian Influenza), Gumboro or IBD (Infectious Bursal Disease), EDS (Egg Drop Syndrome), and many more. The topic was raised because disease-stricken birds pose a serious threat, requiring strict biosecurity practices, selection of drugs, and use of appropriate vaccines.

Medivac as a high-quality vaccine has been present for more than 30 years as a solution to protect livestock from various diseases. Through collaborative research with institutions from various countries, Medivac now has a complete range of product variants that can answer the needs and challenges in the field. In addition, there is also Mediherba which is a quality product containing natural herbal extracts, guaranteed effectiveness through expert research and formulated with CPOHB standards and international Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards.


The enthusiasm of the participants could be seen from the various questions asked in the question and answer session at the end of the seminar. Participants also gave positive responses because the topics presented provided new knowledge and insights that are very useful for overcoming problems in animal husbandry.

They hope that Medion can continue to be present to assist farmers by continuing to develop innovative and comprehensive products. Medion is committed to providing education about the world of animal husbandry both at home and abroad. Not stopping there, Medion also actively continues to develop innovative and comprehensive products to answer all the needs of farmers in various countries.

Medion Successfully Holds Seminar in Cambodia

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