Parasitic diseases of poultry need to watch out for. The dangers that lurk through this disease can be detrimental. Parasites such as coccidiosis and intestinal worms cause impaired nutrient absorption thus interfering with growth and weight loss. For layer, evere parasitic disorders can lead to reduced performance or even increased mortality. Based on BMKG data, it is estimated that early November to December has entered the rainy season in some areas. The challenges faced are the decrease in cage sanitation and the increased presence of parasitic disease vectors such as flies, mosquitoes, and insects. Therefore it is necessary to be aware of the risk of increased parasitic diseases.

Strategies in handling and preventing parasitic diseases in poultry are needed to overcome this problem. Therefore, a seminar with the topic “Strategies to Eradicate Parasitic Diseases in Poultry” was held online via Zoom and Youtube on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 and was attended by 180 participants. This seminar was organized by Trobos magazine by inviting three speakers who are experts in their fields, namely drh. Ayu Miftahul Khasanah as Technical Education and Consultation Medion, Dr.drh. Rositawati Indrati., MP as Lecturer at the Faculty of Animal Sciences, University of Brawijaya, and Bima Ambar Sogindor, S.Pt who is the Production Manager of PT. Rumput Ilalang Hijau.

In her presentation, drh. Ayu Miftahul Khasanah stated the strategy of preventing parasitic diseases, especially through the implementation of strict biosecurity (including cage sanitation, liming cages, cage rest, and disease vector control), good maintenance management, and monitoring parasite tests as an early warning. Medion also developed the herbal feed additive Optigrin to optimize the functioning of the digestive tract. Optigrin works by protecting the intestines and preventing the growth of protozoa (which cause coccidiosis) in the intestine.

As an additional reference in preventing and dealing with diseases in poultry, you can also read the book “Important Diseases in Chickens” published by Medion. This is a commitment and proof for Medion to continue to spread education and the latest information about the poultry world.

Medion Provides Strategies to Face Parasitic Diseases in Poultry

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