The use of herbal products can be beneficial for liver function which greatly affects the metabolic process and productivity of livestock. In addition, the use of herbal products can increase the value of livestock yields. Bulukumba Regency is one of the regencies on the coast of South Sulawesi. This area has great potency in the poultry industry since it is a strategic area for the distribution of livestock products to various regions in Central and Eastern Indonesia.
Seeing the potency of the region, Andi Sri Irma S.Pt established a poultry shop since nine years ago and also directly engaged in cultivating layer chickens. “I chose to raise laying hens with an initial capacity of 1,600 heads. Within 4 years, our population has reached tens of thousands of heads,” said the owner of Surya Multifarm KK.
Irma explained that the business of layer farms in Bulukumba Regency area continues to increase. Until now, layer population has reached 1.2 million heads. The existence of a port that connects with Southeast Sulawesi and East Nusa Tenggara makes the livestock products of Bulukumba Regency can be distributed to other areas. “In our farm, special attention is needed to maintain the quality and stability of production to meet the egg demands” she said. Irma’s experience in farming layer chickens located in Ujung Loe, Bulukumba Regency was not too smooth. According to her, decrease in egg production happened frequently. After consulting with Medion personnel and doing a PCR/sequencing check, it turned out that at that time there was a problem with layer’s liver function.
“I observed that bad weather, high level of ammonia, appearance of mycotoxins and inappropriate drug administration could cause liver damage,” she explained. Liver damage can cause disruption in livestock’s metabolic function that lead to the decrease in chicken’s appetite, decrease in egg production, and immunosuppresive condition. Preventive actions are needed such as increasing biosecurity, improving feed management, reducing the use of chemical drugs and administering hepatoprotectors.
After getting to know Medion through her employees Irma admitted that these problems could be resolved. “We are satisfied with using Medion products as well as the services provided because Medion personnels are always responsive to help us. We also know the latest information of Medion products from Info Medion bulletin that we always receive. One of them is Heprofit, an herbal product that is effective for protecting liver function. Since the beginning, we have trusted Medion to supply medicines and supplements to maintain our livestock productivity.” said Irma.
Use of herbs as hepatoprotectors
Herbal ingredients have been widely used as an alternative treatment to maintain poultry’s health and to reduce the excessive use of antibiotics in poultry. Heprofit is a liquid supplement containing herbal extracts act as a hepatoprotector to protect liver function.
“When Heprofit was launched, we were given samples to try, it turned out very effective. There was a case in our farm, our chickens were sick and we gave medicine together with Heprofit. With the dosage 0.5 ml / 2 L of drinking water, the chickens recovered from illness within 3 days.” she explained.
So far, according to Irma, using Heprofit regularly has provided benefits since it has been proven effective to protect and improve liver function. In addition, the condition of the liver returns to normal so that chicken is healthy, egg production remains smooth. It is safer due to natural ingredients, very effective and practical to use

“We have plans to add value to our livestock products by providing herbal medicines and supplements and not using chemical products. We also hope that Medion continue to make innovative herbal products that can support our farm,” she concluded.