By means of proper cage management andappropriate drug dispensation, the onset of coccidiosis in livestock can be averted

The emergence of coccidiosis is one of the common threats farmers face, and it can result in enormous losses. Coccidiosis is an infection caused by an Eimeria-genus protozoan parasite. Coccidiosis can harm the digestive tract, particularly the small intestine and cecum. This has suboptimal effects on the digestive process and nutrient absorption. Coccidiosis attacks will also suppress the immune system, making chickens susceptible to other disease infections.

Khanif Winarno, Coordinator of Idaman KL, one of the farms located in Batulawang, Sukamukti, Banjar City, West Java, Indonesia, is concerned about the prevalence of coccidiosis. Khanif shared his experience in 2008 when he began raising roosters (male chickens). In the past fourteen years, according to him, his farm has grown rapidly. Though it only began with thousands of chickens, it has now grown to hundreds of thousands of roosters, with partners spreading throughout Banjar regions.

Khanif further explained that Banjar is an ideal location for a rooster farming business. “Here. mobilization is extremely strategic; we can market the chickens to regions such as Central Java and West Java. In addition, mobility access of the product is readily available, hence enabling it to penetrate the market in DKI Jakarta,” added Khanif.

However, the increasing incidence of coccidiosis become great problem in raising rooster in Idaman KL. “This disease basically attacks the digestive tract, which prevents optimal nutrient absorption. This is very impactful economically as the expected weight of the chicken is not met,” said Khanif.

The importance of good cage management


According to Khanif, the type of cage he manages consists of ground-level postal cages.

Our cages are still fairly traditional, the farms are close together, and many stray chickens belonging to neighbors frequently enter to our farm causing coccidiosis and E. coli to occur frequently on our farms,” Khanif explained.

He also mentioned that chickens below 30 days of age are susceptible to contracting coccidiosis. Evident symptoms include diarrhea, lethargy, poor nutrient absorption, missed performance goals, and bloody, discolored stools. In addition, when there is a case of coccidiosis, chickens will be susceptible to other diseases. Khanif reported that the co-occurrence of coccidiosis and Gumboro disease on his farm led to a significantly elevated mortality rate.

“The fact that we continue to use traditional cages eventually contributes to a high frequency of coccidiosis, which occurs 3–4 times a year. In our farm and with our partners, coccidiosis can affect anywhere between 30% and 50% of the population. Of course, it is our goal to improve cage management and maintenance through better sanitation practices, husk replacement, ventilation improvements, and other means,” explained Khanif.

Positive experience with TOLTRADEX

Previously, I used other products to treat this disease, but the results were less effective and required a lengthy treatment period. These products are time-consuming and expensive. I also switched to using Medion products. TOLTRADEX was later used to treat coccidiosis at the direction of Medion personnel on site. Unlike other products, coccidiosis can be overcome by administering TOLTRADEX at a dose of 0.14 ml per kilogram of chicken weight for two on secutive days,” said Khanif. In addition, he received recommendations for improving cage management.


Khanif has been using TOLTRADEX for the past 12 months. He claimed that TOLTRADEX is an effective treatment for coccidiosis, and its application is highly efficient. This factor influenced Khanif’s decision to switch to Medion products.

I realize that maintaining a healthy digestive system is crucial. All diseases can be cured if the digestive system is treated well.” After using TOLTRADEX and enhancing cage management, our chickens are more protected and resistant to coccidiosis and other diseases,” said Khanif.

We strongly recommend using TOLTRADEX to treat coccidiosis. With TOLTRADEX the health and body weight of the chickens will be optimal,” he said.

He continued by stating that Medion’s service personnel were excellent, conscientious, and responsive, and that they always kept him up to date on disease developments and research that Medion had conducted. Furthermore, Medion products are readily available and easy to find. He hopes Medion will continue to produce innovative and high-quality products to help farmers in combating diseases that frequently attack livestock.

Control the Prevalence of Coccidiosis attack

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