antibloat for cow, goat, sheep

To treat bloating (tympany) caused by excess gas formation in cow, goat and sheep rumen
• Cow, buffalo:
100 ml per 500 ml of water forcibly given via oral
• Goat, sheep:
25 ml per 250 ml of water forcibly given via oralIn severe case, dosage may be increased by 50% addition from recommended dose or as prescribed by a duly licensed veterinarian
• Do not administer to livestock with bloat case caused by oesophagus plugging, stomach dislocation,
stomach and intestine torsion
• Store in a tightly closed container, in a dry and cool place , protected from direct sunlight
Box : 12 bottles @ 100 ml
For veterinary use only
Indonesia : KEMENTAN RI No. D 1201043 PTC.1
Cambodia : 0207/1109 BKP
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