Achieved "Blue" rating from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of The Republic of Indonesia

Received the Indo Livestock Innovation Award, for the Innovation of herbal products (FASBRO) to enhance poultry performance and meat quality

Received an award as the Best Export Activity Partner from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia

Received a “Blue” rating from the Regional Environment Agency of West Java Province

Received a “Blue” rating from the Regional Environment Agency of West Java Province

Received the Indo Livestock Award, for the best exporter in the Biological Veterinary Medicine category

Received the Indo Livestock Award, in the Competitive Input Engineering category from the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture

Received the Indo Livestock Award, in the Human Resources Development category from the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture

Received an award at the Indo Livestock event in 2002, the award was given by President Megawati Soekarno Putri.