Freeze dried live vaccine against Newcastle disease (ND) and infectious bronchitis (IB) in poultry INDICATION Medivac ND-IB is indicated for first vaccination and revaccination against ND and IB in broilers, roosters, layers and breeders DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION Medivac ND-IB of
Medivac IB H-120
Freeze dried live vaccine against infectious bronchitis (IB) in poultry CompositionMedivac IB H-120 contains infectious bronchitis (IB) virus of Massachusetts H-120 strain. The virus is produced in Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) eggs. Each dose contains at least 103.5 EID50 IB
Medivac IB H-52
Freeze dried live vaccine against infectious bronchitis (IB) in poultry CompositionMedivac IB H-52 contains infectious bronchitis (IB) virus of Massachusetts H-52 strain. The virus is produced in Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) eggs. Each dose contains at least 103.5 EID50 IB
Medivac ND-IB-Gumboro Emulsion
Inactivated emulsion vaccine against Newcastle disease (ND),infectious bronchitis (IB) and infectious bursal disease (IBD)/Gumboro disease in poultry CompositionMedivac ND-IB-IBD Emulsion contains Newcastle disease (ND) virus of La Sota strain, infectious bronchitis of Massachusetts 41 strain and infectious bursal disease (IBD)/Gumboro
Medivac Gumboro Emulsion
Inactivated emulsion vaccine against infectious bursal disease (IBD)/ Gumboro disease in poultry CompositionMedivac Gumboro Emulsion contains infectious bursal disease (IBD)/ Gumboro disease virus of Winterfield 2512 strain. The inactivated viruses are emulsified in mineral oil adjuvant. Each dose contains at
Medivac Gumboro B
Freeze dried live vaccine against infectious bursal disease (IBD)/Gumboro disease in poultry CompositionMedivac Gumboro B contains infectious bursal disease (IBD)/Gumboro disease virus of D22 strain. The virus is produced in Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) eggs. Each dose contains at least
Medivac Gumboro A
Freeze dried live vaccine against infectious bursal disease (IBD)/Gumboro disease in poultry CompositionMedivac Gumboro A contains infectious bursal disease (IBD)/Gumboro disease virus of Cheville 1/68 strain. The virus is produced in Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) eggs. Each dose contains at
Medivac AI 0.3 Subtipe H5N1 2.3
Vaksin inaktif berbentuk emulsi untuk mencegah penyakit avian influenza (AI) pada unggas KOMPOSISIMedivac AI 0.3 Subtipe H5N1 2.3 mengandung virus avian influenza (AI) subtipe H5N1 subclade, strain A/duck/Sukoharjo/BBVW1428-9/2012, yang telah diinaktifkan dan diemulsikan ke dalam adjuvant untuk meningkatkan dan
Medivac AI Subtipe H5N1 2.3
KOMPOSISIMedivac AI Subtipe H5N1 2.3 mengandung virus avian influenza (AI) subtipe H5N1 subclade, strain A/duck/Sukoharjo/BBVW1428-9/2012, yang telah diinaktifkan dan diemulsikan ke dalam adjuvant untuk meningkatkan dan memperpanjang daya kerja vaksin. Tiap dosis mengandung potensi virus avian influenza (AI) minimal
Medivac AE-Pox
Freeze dried live vaccine against Avian Encephalomyelitis (AE) and Fowl Pox in poultry COMPOSITIONMedivac AE-Pox contains Avian Encephalomyelitis (AE) virus of Calnek 1143 strain and Fowl Pox virus of M-92 strain. The virus is produced in SPF (Specific Pathogen Free)