prevent paralyzed INDICATION• Prevent paralyzing in chicken, duck and other birds• Strengthen body and improve immunity against disease• Overcome “cage layer fatigue” (paralyzed due to calcium deficiency in laying hens reared in battery cages) DOSAGE & ADMINISTRATIONChicken, duck and other
Broiler Vita
improve feed conversion & weight gain INDICATION• Enhance the growth of broiler• Improve feed conversion• Overcome stress DOSAGE & ADMINISTRATION1 gram per 2 liters of drinking water or 1 gram per kg of feed STORAGEStore in a tightly closed container,
vitamins, amino acids, electrolytesfor layer and duck INDICATION• Increase egg production and prolong egg laying period • Increase egg size, strengthen eggshell and enhance fertility • Improve feed efficiency • Prevent illnesses caused by vitamin deficiencies and enhance body resistance
overcome multivitamin deficiencies Indication Prevent and treat vitamin deficiencies on animals such as: Growth disorder Digestive disorder (not caused by bacteria infection) Reproduction and muscle disorder Recovery process from illness caused by bacteria or parasite infection Infirmity of the newborn
effective disinfectant with a refreshing fragrance INDICATION & DOSAGE INDICATION DOSAGE PER LITER Disinfect house and equipments 6 ml Disinfect drinking water for poulty 0.5 ml Disinfect drinking water for large livestock 0.2 ml Disinfect hand
wide spectrum disinfectant, effective against virus, fungus, bacteria & their spores INDICATION Disinfecting animal house and their equipment Disinfecting incubator and their equipment Disinfecting transportation vehicle, chicken basket DOSAGE & ADMINISTRATION 5 ml per 1 liter of water, mix and
Neo Antisep New Formula
disinfectant solution INDICATION• Exterminate virus in keeping house, feeder, drinker, hatching room and other equipment• Exterminate virus which causes Newcastle Disease (ND), Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), Infectious Bronchitis (IB) and pox • Exterminate bacteria and fungus • Prevent disease
Neo Antisep
disinfectant solution INDICATION• Exterminate virus in keeping house, feeder, drinker, hatching room and other equipment• Exterminate virus which causes Newcastle Disease (ND), Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), Infectious Bronchitis (IB) and pox • Exterminate bacteria and fungus • Prevent disease
solution to exterminate germs cleans and disinfects livestock equipment INDICATION DOSAGE & ADMINISTRATION Disinfect house (spray), drinker and feeder, incubators (prevents CRD and pullorum) 15 ml per 10 liters of water Disinfect boots/sandals and cars entering farm area
the healthy way of bathing MEDI BIRD is a solution to be mixed with bird’s bathwater to enhance health and provide a uniquely pleasant fragrance for birds. INDICATION Effective against germs (virus and bacteria), fungi and their spores Help prevent