
Pure Skim Milkstabilize vaccine virus to produce high immunity INDICATION• Improve water quality that is used to dilute vaccine by drinking water• Neutralize metal, mineral and other vaccine damaging substances DOSAGE & ADMINISTRATION10 grams per 5 liters of water, mix


vaccine solvent PACKINGBox        : 50 bottles @     50 doses                50 bottles @   100 doses                50 bottles @   200 doses                50 bottles @   500 doses                50 bottles @ 1000 doses               


pox-infection-wound INDICATIONAntiseptic, treatment for pox, infection and wound DOSAGE & ADMINISTRATIONDab on the wounded area STORAGEStore in a tightly closed container, in a dry and cool place, protected from direct sunlight PACKINGPack     : 12 pots @ 18 g For


for injection ADESTA is a sterile liquid preparation for making an injection solution. The water has been through several level of processes to meet the quality standard for injection. Therefore, ADESTA is germ and particle free so it is safe

Injekvit B12

sterile solution for injection INDICATION, DOSAGE, & ADMINISTRATION   Livestock Indication Dosage   Horse, cow,  sheep   • Retarded growth  • Anemia during pre- and post- delivery,     or during pre- and post- surgery      • Anorexia (appetite loss)  • General

Vitamin B Kompleks Injection

INDICATION• Prevent vitamin B complex deficiency on fowl, cow, horse and swine• Increase immunity and accelerate recovery after infection DOSAGE & ADMINISTRATIONInject intramuscularly (through flesh/muscle) once a day or as necessary   Livestock   Dosage   Poultry   0.5-1 ml

Vita Strong

complete, non-antibiotic, multivitamins preparation(A + B-complex + C + D + E + K) INDICATION• Prepare chickens for vaccination to produce maximum level of antibody• Overcome stress after debeaking, house relocation, poor weather conditions and molting• Accelerate recovery process after

Vita Stress

complete, non-antibiotic, multivitamins preparation + electrolytes (A + B-complex + C + D + E + K + electrolytes) INDICATION• Enhance body immune system and prevent stress before and after vaccination, debeaking,  due to house relocation, change of feed, during

Vita Plex

vitamin B complex for poultry INDICATION• Prevent and treat disease caused by vitamin B complex deficiencies• Increase body resistenace against diseases• Prevent stress, especially during weather changes, vaccination or house relocation• Improve feed efficiency and stimulates growth DOSAGE & ADMINISTRATIONPut

Vita Chicks

vitamins + antibiotics  for growing healthier chicks INDICATION• Enhance growth• Prevent vitamin deficiencies• Overcome stress• Reduce mortality in chicksDOSAGE & ADMINISTRATIONTo prevent diseases and high mortality, to enhance growth (prevent retarded and uneven growth), to overcome stress (disorders during change