Advantages: Suitable for 40-80 chicks (DOC) Designed for chicks to reach feed easily Easy to clean and durable Hygiene (compared to DOC shipping boxes) Specification: Dimension : Ø40,7 x 5,6 cm Feed capacity : 2,5 kg
Top Mix
top feed supplement for top profit with 2 amino acids, 6 minerals and 12 vitamins COMPOSITIONEach kg contains : multivitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidant dan growth promoter INDICATION• Improving feed conversion thereby, feed cost is lower • Chicks grow faster,
Mix Plus
MIX PLUS LLK3A is a premix which contain multivitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants which are important for health, growth, and optimal egg production in poultry. INDICATION Increase egg production Optimalize peak production period Improve eggshell quality Decrease FCR (Feed
Top Mix HC
complete high concentration feed supplement therebymore economical in use and vitamin concentration in feed always sufficient COMPOSITIONEach kg contains : multivitamins INDICATION• To increase feed efficiency, thereby feed cost is cheaper• To improve and to increase egg production• To prevent
Mineral Feed Supplement A
minerals supplement for chicken and duck COMPOSITIONEach kg contains : Micro and macro minerals, vitamin B12 and D3 INDICATION• To improve egg production and increase quality of egg• To enhance growth, especially for normal bone and feather formation• To increase
effective against mycotoxin COMPOSITIONEach kg contains : complex aluminosilicate INDICATIONFREETOX may be given to chickens, ducks, cows, pigs, goats, sheep and horses :• To bind aflatoxins (B1, B2, D1, G1, G2, and M2)• To reduce mycotoxicosis effect of Fusarium, such
better quality – better performance Betterzym is a feed mixing powder preparation to support growth of chicken, duck, and swine. INDICATION Improves phosporus digestion Strengthens bones Increases the quality of egg shell Increases feed efficiency DOSAGE & ADMINISTRATION CAUTION Store
singing birds feed COMPOSITIONEach kg contains: protein, fat, fiber and multivitamins Features:● Contains well-balanced nutrition made from high quality ingredients● Improves birds health and vivacity● Make feather brighter and shinier● Enhances birds vivacity after molting● Increases birds immunity Care Instruction:●
Obat Tembolok
INDICATIONOvercome gizzard disorders DOSAGE & ADMINISTRATION• Adult chicken: Daily 3 x 30 ml throw directly into the mouth • Chick : Daily 3 x 10 ml throw directly into the mouthGizzard massaged until soft, cultivated spewed its contents, if necessary,
vaccine stabilizer INDICATION• Neutralize pH of drinking water that is used to dilute vaccine• Neutralize metals, minerals, and other vaccine damaging substances such as chlorine• Keep stability and potency of vaccine after being dissolved DOSAGE & ADMINISTRATION5 grams Netrabil mixed