Nearly 17 years of Avian Influenza (AI) disease “entrenched” in Indonesia, namely since August 2003 until now Indonesia cannot be said to be AI free. Until now, we know two types of Avian Influenza that attack poultry, namely High Pathogenic
Medion and Pacific GeneTech Develop “Hercules” Vaccine
Besides biosecurity, vaccinations is the preventive measures against diseases. Coryza vaccine with “Hercules” adjuvant is able to increase the immune response and safe for the poultry. The “Hercules” vaccine become the latest generations of vaccines today. Poultry health is the
Optimal Digestive Tract, Maximum Production
Adequacy of nutrition in chickens has a major effect on productivity and is closely related to the work function of the digestive tract. The digestive tract that functions optimally is able to utilize rations through the digestion process and absorption