Thirty years of consistently meeting consumer needs and satisfaction is a significant journey for any brand. Able to maintain quality, as well as sustainability, are key characteristics that allow a brand to win against competition. Medivac has proven itself as a brand that can reach such milestones. Its products continue to satisfy demands and overcome challenges in the field.
Started in 1993, Medivac was introduced as a solution to protect poultry from the rampant Newcastle Disease (ND), which was prevalent then. Medivacs were well received by farmers because they were proven to be effective and safe. The highest quality standards such as USDA, European & British Pharmacopoeia, ASEAN, and Indonesia Animal Pharmacopoeia are applied in the production process, making Medivac products superior in quality-Well received by the farmers throughout Asia and Africa.
In 2003, Medion established a Biosecurity Level 3 (BSL-3) facility to carry out research, production, and development of higher quality products while prioritizing environmental and workers’ safety. As a commitment, Medion continues to invest in the science and technology sector in product development and best manufacturing practices. This commitment has earned recognition by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 2004. Medion is also actively conducting surveillance and disease mapping to monitor the development of diseases in various regions so that the farmers were able to deploy appropriate vaccines in the region. Medion also conducts collaborative research with institutions from various countries to create innovative and higher quality products.
Medivac has wide range product variants for protection from various types of diseases, which include Newcastle Disease (ND), Avian Influenza (AI), Avian Encephalomyelitis (AE), Infectious Bronchitis (IB), Gumboro, Coryza, fowlpox, and many more. In addition, Medivac products also have complete range of packaging variants to reach various scales of agriculture, both large and small.
Thirty years since its introduction, Medivac’s products are now widely used in Indonesia and in 15 countries in Asia and Africa. Efforts in continuous development and innovation in producing high-quality products have successfully earned various awards. One of these awards is the “Manca Nagara Satwa Nugraha” as the best exporter in the Biological Veterinary Medicine category at the 2018 Indo Livestock event. Medion is also actively participating in various international seminars on the development of poultry diseases, such as the California 70th Virtual Western Poultry Disease Conference and ACPV Sponsored Workshop in 2021.
Medion continues to be committed to producing quality and innovative vaccines that can address the needs of all farmers worldwide. Through an extensive distribution network, Medion will actively continue to further expand its distribution coverage to more countries and pursue new milestones in the future.