Foot and Mouth Disease or FMD is currently endemic in Indonesia. This is an acute viral disease that is highly contagious in ruminants with even/cleared hoofs. Transmission rates of 90-100% and mortality of 2-5% can cause massive economic losses that must be controlled.

The government and several other parties, including Medion, have taken notice of this situation. In collaboration with associations and the Department of Livestock, Medion participates in distributing aid in the form of veterinary medicines, vitamins, and disinfectants.


The aid distribution has been carried out since May 9th, 2022. So far Medion has distributed 127 liters of Formades disinfectant, medicines such as Medipiron, Medoxy LA, and injections of vitamin B Complex to various regions in Indonesia, such as South Sumatra, Lampung, Banten, West Java, Semarang, Central Java, East Java, and West Nusa Tenggara. This aid will be provided as long as it is required.

Medion also provided education on the topic “Beware of Mouth & Nail Diseases in Cows” via Facebook and Instagram This education teaches about the characteristics of FMD-affected cattle and how to handle them.

Medion Distributes Aid for Foot & Mouth Diseases

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